What does it take to work towards a goal? Is it about being driven and motivated? Having a weekly plan that outlines what tasks you should follow?
Or maybe there's another piece of the puzzle. You see, we like to think we have control over what we do. That if we set our minds to accomplishing a task, we can get where we want to go. But the truth is, our minds are easily swayed by external forces. Like it or not, we are products of our environment.
Abstract heart painting made by Cristina Dalcomune in a client’s family room.
Your environment affects how you work and live on a daily basis, it reflects your inner mind, your thoughts and ambitions. When you make changes that shift the energy of your environment and your perception, you can finally start experiencing new opportunities in the areas you have wanted to for so long: Better relationships, an increase in financial flow, more relaxation, more inspiration when you want to write or create art.
Abstract heart painting made by Cristina Dalcomune in a client’s living room.
Most people create their space without knowing the actual intention of what they would like it to provide when it’s done, thus creating a space that is without charm void of energy, and not as beautiful as you would have liked it to be.
The problem is most places have been the same for ages, very little changes. It is vital to breathe new life into your environment as you evolve and change, bringing in new energy from flowers or plants, new throw pillows, new art pieces you fell in love with or creating an area to do your creative work or meditation in.
The artist Cristina Dalcomune and her friend near the painting called “Meditation".
Abstract painting “Blue Talk" made by Cristina Dalcomune in a vegan restaurant in Miami.
It’s important to collect beautiful objects that reflect who you are, so when you refresh the space and move the objects around, your space will still be beautiful and tell your personal and unique story.
There are many ways to make your personal space be more beautiful, supportive and enjoyable and one of them is adding art pieces into it.
We are shaped by the environment we surround ourselves with and how we design and live in our interiors.
Abstract heart painting made by Cristina Dalcomune in a client’s dinner room.
Change your space by adding or removing key elements to set in motion a new energetic vibration so your intentions to attract new opportunities or to accomplish things you have put off for years can be achieved.
Wants to know more about my work? Follow me on Instagram and on Facebook to stay tuned on my latest paintings.
Tags: paintings about love, original paintings, paintings with meaning, paintings of hearts, painting hearts on canvas, painting heart expert, heart painting on canvas, heart painting, heart painting ideas, heart acrylic painting.